Legal guardianship of my daughter

I get married in 2014. My only daughter born in 2015. Due to a lot of problems, i was separated from my ex husband in April, 2015 and legally divorced in March, 2017. now i have filed a case for Dower, custody and maintenance of child, which is pending for 18 months. but the case does not mention legal guardianship of the child. i want does legal guardianship comes with maintenance or not?
Name of my daughter in Birth certificate is "Rufaida Khan Rajkonna", but I want to change it into "Rufaida Zara Anadil". What is the procedure of the change?
I want to take my child with me abroad. but her father will never let me. how can i do this even if they don't want to?

Thank you.

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One Response to Legal guardianship of my daughter

  1. Select as Best Answer


    Answers according to questions:

    1. You dont need to file separate case for guardianship. Custody is enough if you get the custody order in favour of you.

    2. To change name you have to do affidavit attested by the first class magistrate.

    3. Without court/father's permission you can not take the child to abroad. For farther help you may contact our family law expert Advocate Raoman Smita :01675623096.


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