About a Lawyer


I am from Bangladesh. I have a case in Dhaka HC. I have been quashed my case. Last November I extended the date of my case. My lawer informed me that it has been extended for one year. But he did not give me the paper of that extention or any official papers to that date extention. It has been nearly two months. Still I do not know whether he truly extended the date of my case or not because I do not have the paper or physical proof. How I can know whether the information is right or wrong or check whether it has been extended or not. I was paid for that service. I also want to change my lawer but he does not signing the no objection letter.

Please advise me honestly and truly what I can do to solve these problems. I need your help badly.


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One Response to About a Lawyer

  1. Select as Best Answer

    Dear Fuad,

    I've found two parts in your question and I'm answering accordingly:

    1. Go to this link: http://www.supremecourt.gov.bd/scweb/case_search.php?div_id=1

    and submit your Case Category, Case Number, Year and other information and search for your case status. You will get detail of your case.  

    2. If the lawyer isn't giving No objection (NOC) then you can place an application complaining the matter to the Secretary of Supreme Court Bar association.  

    For further information do not hesitate to contact me.


    Md. Ahsan Habib


    Supreme Court of Bangladesh

    Contact: +8801818505140.

    E-mail: advocateahsan@yahoo.com

    Web: http://www.lawthinkers.com/lawyers-directory/advocate-md-ahsan-habib/

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