Land title

We have purchase a land in 1991 from Mr. X whose father was the joint owner of such land in CS Khotian.

recently we have seen that in SA record another person name included. they did not purchase any land from CS owner.

in SA khotian its mention that Raioti from CS khotian owner.

in this case what is our legal right in this purchase.

Abddullah Al Halal
Principal Officer . FAD
First Security Islami Bank Ltd.

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One Response to Land title

  1. Select as Best Answer

    Dear Mr.  Abdullah Al Halal

    Please Collect information about RS khatian that who's name is there in RS Khatian? And if the land is in Dhaka then who's name is there in City Jarip?

    You can file suit for record correction.


    Raoman Smita


    Supreme Court of Bangladesh

    Call: 01675623086

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