Illegal marriages

Hello. My name is Natalie. I live in the United States and I a married a man from Bangladesh 4 and a half years ago. While going home recently to visit with his parents, my husband decided to marry someone over there without divorcing me first. Is that legal? Can he legally do this? The ceremony is suppose to take place in a few days and I want to know can she legally be his wife when he is not divorced from me

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One Response to Illegal marriages

  1. Dear

    Your Questions-answers: husband decided to marry someone over there without divorcing me first. Is that legal?

    A. Without first wife's permission and fulfilling some legal procedures a man can not legally marry another woman.

    Q.  Can he legally do this?

    A. If he takes permission from you according to law and procedure then he can marry legally but without your permission if he marries then such act is punishable under the law.

    Q.  can she legally be his wife when he is not divorced from me?

    A. If the marriage has been solemnized properly then second wife will be legal. But for  marring without your permission is punishable so you have to take legal action in Bangladesh. And you also can claim dower money and maintenance.

    Thanks. Law Thinkers Team: 01675623096


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