Father wants Custody of his one year old daughter for 2days/week


We got divorced couple of months earlier. I did not get married again and not thinking of as well.

I want my only daughter (one year and four months) at least once a week to stay with me for one or two days (holidays). My objective is to provide my love and company to help her grow as a survivor for future.

I'd like to know if there is any precedence of court order, and how likely that court will allow us (me

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2 Responses to Father wants Custody of his one year old daughter for 2days/week

  1. Select as Best Answer

    You have to file a suit for this in the family court.

    • Select as Best Answer

      the court always prefer child's welfare and as the child in only one year, you'll get order to see her but may not get order for staying with you at your home.

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