Divorce Issue

My husband family gave pressure for dowry. Suddenly informed me that he gave me divorce.

My question is:

1. If he give divorce then without my sign that will be activated? Or what's the process for it?

2. If I don't accept the divorce then it will be a divorce?

2. Can I do a case for dowry?

Thanks in advance.

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One Response to Divorce Issue

  1. Select as Best Answer


    Your question answers are:

    Q1.1. If he give divorce then without my sign that will be activated? Or what's the process for it?

    Ans. Yes, without your sign divorce can be done. It takes three month to complete the process if only one party issue divorce notice.

    Q2. 2. If I don't accept the divorce then it will be a divorce?

    Ans: Yes, if the divorce notice is served properly to you and to the chairman.

    Q3. Can I do a case for dowry?

    Ans: Yes, but if divorce is completed then dowry case will not work.


    Law Thinkers: 01675623096

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