
Dear Lawyer,
I have done marriage before two years ago. But my wife has tried to suicide by herself at least four times without any strong reason. The reason is that I have forbade her to do a job for family purpose. I want to divorce her. But her parents are giving threat by doing a false case(women torture, dowry etc) against me, if i divorce her . How can i get solution. Plz help me

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One Response to Divorce

  1. Dear

    First file a GD mentioning your wife's suicidal actions and also the threat from the wife's family. Then diviorce your wife. If they file any false case against you you cant stop that but you have to prove in the court that you didn't do this. For this you must collect all medical papers of your wife's suicidal tendencies and if there is other evidance, like phone taping, pictures, videos to prove in the court. If they file case against you its there burden to prove that you did torture and they must submit proper documents against you. You must contact to a lawyer for proper suggestion.


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