Change of S.S.C. and H.S.C. Date of Birth after 5 years

My S.S.C. and H.S.C. Date of Birth is 02oct1993 which was placed mistakenly. But now i need to change my DOB. But as the general rule is after 2 years of passed year the dob cant be changed. But i really need to change my dob bcz my other graduation certificates has different dob which is 02oct1991. Which cant be changed now. Please suggest me any other option to change my DOB of of S.S.C. and H.S.C. certificates.

My S.S.C. passing year was = 2008

My H.S.C. passing year was = 2010

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One Response to Change of S.S.C. and H.S.C. Date of Birth after 5 years

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    If you have any documents that prove your original date of birth then you cn change your date of birth. For that you can have an affidavit attested by 1st class magistrate and then you publish the issue in a newspaper as advertise. And collect forms from education board and submit all the document mentioned in the form. 

    Thanks. Law Thinkers: 01675623096

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