About marrige registration

1.I have completed my marriage around a year.But i didn't complete my marriage registration. I also don't have any marriage document. Is it possible to complete my marriage registration from any marriage register in Bangladesh?

2.Difference between marriage reg. and Nikah reg. ?
3.If i done registration successfully then what papers i will get on my hand ?

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One Response to About marrige registration

  1. Select as Best Answer

    Ans 1: You have to register your marriage by nearer Kazi/marriage register or you may appoint a lawyer to done the whole procedure for you.

    Ans 2: Both are same. Nikah means marriage in English.

    Ans 3. If you complete your registration then you will get a marriage certificate and marriage registration is obligatory by laws of Bangladesh.

    Thanks. Law Thinkers: 01675623096

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